More than words: conservation of documents and cultural heritage

More than words: conservation of documents and cultural heritage

all posts More than words: conservation of documents and cultural heritage It’s unquestionable the importance of conserving books and other types of documents. They are a narrated testimony of our human lives and can give us specific information to better understand...
More than words: conservation of documents and cultural heritage

The path of two separated sisters: botany and agriculture

all posts The path of two separated sisters: botany and agriculture Botany is the science that studies the plant world from all points of view and in all its different aspects. Currently encompasses a series of disciplines that study the metabolism, reproduction,...
More than words: conservation of documents and cultural heritage

History and crop science converge through genomics and ancient DNA

all posts History and crop science converge through genomics and ancient DNA Plant science, and particularly crop science, always benefited from the historical contextualization of their scientific findings. This cross-disciplinary interchange has been important to...
More than words: conservation of documents and cultural heritage

Christmas time: sweets for the body and soul

all posts Christmas time: sweets for the body and soul Christmas is coming. A time of celebration that only ends with the epiphany. In the Catholic world, since ancient times, this day comes after the Advent feast, which started a month earlier and goes until December...
More than words: conservation of documents and cultural heritage

Archives: essential labs to make history

all posts Archives: essential labs to make history Archives are indispensable laboratories for making History. They are “irreplaceable witness to past events, underpinning democracy, the identity of individuals and communities, and human rights”, as defined by the...