Curso de Botánica ó Elementos de organografía, fisiología, metodología y geografía de las plantas, con la clasificación y caracteres de sus familias, y la indicación de propiedades y usos, tanto médicos como económicos




Miguel Colmeiro y Penido

author biography Miguel Colmeiro y Penido. Santiago de Compostela (October 22, 1816) – Madrid (June 21, 1901). Botanist and botanic historian. Despite his doctoral degrees in Medicine and Sciences, it was the opportunity of aiming for a botanic professorship in Barcelona that oriented his career towards this discipline. He obtained it in 1845, but he went to Seville University two years after as a Natural History professor, founding there the local botanic garden. In 1857, Colmeiro reached the professorship of Organography and Vegetal Physiology at Madrid Central University and, in 1866, another one of Geographic Botany, taught in the Royal Botanic Garden. In addition, he was the director of this institution between 1868 and 1900, as well as Science faculty dean and rector of the Central University. In his works, Colmeiro stood out because of his compiling labor, both vegetable species and authors or their books of Botany written in the Iberian Peninsula.

Editor: Madrid, Librería de Don Ángel Calleja
Year of edition: 1854-1857

This book is an important Botany treatise that includes the knowledge of a manual itself, with the explanation of the main teachings of the discipline (first volume), but also offers to its readers detailed information about the classification of the different groups of vegetable species (second and third volumes). “Making a picture of the current botanic knowledge” and “facilitate the improvement of students and amateurs that looks into Botany with some interest” are objectives declared by the author on the prologue.

For that reason, this work becomes useful for everyone who wants to initiate into botanic science (it describes the organs, anatomy, structures and life processes of vegetables and their seeds in greater detail) as well as for those who were searching for delve into these issues, following classifications and a series of more complex taxonomies that includes descriptions, usages and geographical data about the main plant families habitats. So, the vocabularies at the end of the first part make easier the understanding of many terms, while several illustrations complete the textual explanations. For better identification, the work ends with an annex in which there are noted the common names of lots of plants mentioned over the book.


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