Le Portugal au point de vue agricole



Luiz Filipe de Castro, Bernardino Cincinnato da Costa

authors biography Luiz Filipe de Castro, 2º Count of Nova Goa (07.07.1868-23.08.1928) took a degree in Agronomy from the Instituto de Agronomia e Veterinária (Lisbon), where he was a professor. Throughout his life, combined academic activity with political concerns. Prolific researcher, he was the author of books and numerous journal articles, with contributions in viticulture, cereal growing and stock raising. In the final years of the Portuguese monarchy, he served as Minister of Public Works, Commerce, and Industry (1908-1909).

Bernardino Cincinnato da Costa (05.08.1866-22.01.1930) graduated in Agronomy at the Instituto de Agronomia e Veterinária (Lisbon) where he took up a teaching post. He was the director of the Companhia das Lezírias and the Real Associação Central de Agricultura. As an academic, Cincinnato da Costa wrote extensively on many agricultural subjects and represented Portugal in several international scientific events and organizations, such as the International Institute of Agriculture (Italy).

Editor: Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional
Year of edition: 1900

Written to the 1900 Paris Exposition, Le Portugal au point de vue agricole has one main purpose: presenting different aspects of Portuguese agriculture throughout a variety of themes, surveying the state and evolution of the agricultural activities. Considering this, the book is organized as follows: “the Portuguese land”, “agricultural production” and “rural life”, going all the way through the various sub-sectors, from viniculture to beekeeping, and also cereals, fruits or even salt production.

In order to understand the causes behind the importance of the agricultural sector in Portugal, we can find a detailed account on uses of the soil, fauna (with special emphasis on the various types of cattle), flora, orography, also offering an interpretative premise about the history and social structure in the countryside. Another important aspect of this book is the frequent use of photographs illustrating work scenes, landscapes and peasantry everyday life. 

Therefore, it can be argued that such an extensive global approach makes this book an essential reference to go through the socio-technical rhetoric building the Portuguese agricultural discourses around 1900, in connection to economic and sociological concerns.


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