Flora Pharmaceutica e alimentar portugueza, ou tractado daquelles vegetaes indigenas de Portugal, e outros nelle cultivados, cujos produtos são usados, ou susceptiveis de se usar como remedios e alimentos, distibuidos segundo o Systema Linneano em Classes, Ordens, Generos, e Especies com os seus caracteres genericos, e específicos



Jerónimo Joaquim de Figueiredo

author biography Jerónimo Joaquim de Figueiredo was born in Fornos de Algodres (Guarda - Portugal), in 1772. He joined the University of Coimbra in 1788, attending the courses of Philosophy and Mathematics, concluding however a Medicine degree in 1799. He had an academic career teaching medicine and pharmacy issues, being also director of the University Hospital in Coimbra.

Social and politically, it appears that he was present at the Journal of Coimbra Foundation (1812), was a member of the Coimbra City Council (1826) and of the Royal Academy of Sciences in Lisbon. Additionally, he was a member of the Board of the Faculty of Medicine, constituted in 1823 to reform it. During the political disputes that followed the Liberal Revolution (1820), he supported the "Miguelist cause", having been killed in 1828 in Condeixa (Coimbra), when he was going to Lisbon to congratulate D. Miguel, who had just arrived from Vienna (Austria) to be king of Portugal.

Editor: Lisboa, Typographia da Academia R. das Sciencias
Year of edition: 1825

This book is a hard-working study aiming to cover all Portuguese flora with pharmacological properties or useful for human food consumption.

The book is organized by the scientific name of each plant according to the system proposed by Carl Lineu (by classes, orders, genera and species), including the description of their generic and specific characteristics, namely the roots, stems, leaves, flowering, fruit, seed, smell, taste, cultivation area and referring also which one is more suitable for food or pharmacological use.

The plants are identified by their common name, including the different regional designations of each one. This concern of the author makes this book very useful in identifying the different varieties of plants that existed across the country. As the book was written in the early 19th century, it presents corrections to some mistakes or taxonomic generalizations found in works previously published by several naturalists, namely by Domenico Vandelli and Félix de Avelar Brotero. These scientists gathered data collected by others or travelled around the country trying to conclude the mapping of Portuguese flora.


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